Saturday 5 January 2013

Introspection: The Call for Equality

It’s past twelve now, nothing really late as these days my sleeping time has been shifted to 1:00. It feels rather refreshing than tiring. The mind’s all clear, chores have been completed, lessons have been learnt and every block in the checklist has been rewarded with a tick.

So, again, it’s pat twelve, 00:20. And as they say, even an atheist is a half believer by mid-night; I’m all in a philosophical mood. Not that I’m an atheist, but because I’m a night-person.

It’s so silent that all I can hear is the ticking clock, the wind outside, my breathing, the sounds from the laptop, the most annoying, the typing sound, and of course, the loudest, the voice, I’d rather say, of my mind. And it’s clear, calm and peaceful, as if I were meditating.

So, after done weeping a bit over the injustice done with one of my friends (I know, isn’t that very something? But it happened naturally. I just felt bad.) And I realized that inequality and injustice is such an eminent part of our so-called-social society.  

Girls from boys, homosexuals from straights, poor from rich, disabled from able and animals from humans-forgetting that we’re way worse: only few of our highly developed mind’s way of discrimination. For more ideas on discrimination, look into your own mind, you can find many. After all, you’re human too. (So am I, and it’s indeed shameful!)

Overall, the problem of the world lies so much in the fact that some lives matter lesser than other lives. 

Maybe reading too much of biodiversity and conservation has rendered my mind to think about the world with a global perspective, but c’mon, think! Thousands, indeed thousands of species are dead today. Extinct. I take the blame. It sounds so small, since we’re used to hearing crores on television, hundreds of crores, but a counting up to ten thousand should make you realize what point I’m making here. (Now, you can do the counting after you’re done reading! Just add one more to the magnitude.)

Let’s move away from animals. Who cares, right? Well, who cares for you? Ever wondered? In the whole vast universe, would out planet even count? No! But you still think your life matters, right? Don’t the poor have the right to think likewise too? Of course they don’t! Do they contribute to the GDP? They just make up an illiterate bunch of population. But they’re living, and that counts. They’re what contribute to the immensity of us, Homo sapiens. Reduce them and you’ll see where you stand.

Speaking of inequality, animals are never spared, and humans aren’t treated equally. Ask yourself if you can talk well enough to someone gay as you would to someone straight? I recently came across this: There are thousand species known to have homosexuality, but only one that has homophobia. Again, aren’t they human? Don’t they have the same feelings, and are they less humane? No, they’re more humane than you. They fight every day; take a walk in their shows and then go ahead to support your religion ever so blindly.

And if that isn’t enough, welcome to discrimination amongst the straights. Men and women. Do I even need to elaborate after the world knows the present scene of India?

Well, talking of the highest, the men, mean men! Have they spared their fellows? Blacks and whites, Brahmans and Shudras, Muslims and Hindus. Give it all a halt. Introspect.

I could go on, till the end of everything, as is the power of anthropogenic destruction, but I too need to put up a halt. It’s late, and I need to do what’s been a secret to scientists for a long while: sleep. In the sense: why we sleep.

Fine, I deviated. Coming back, we’re all a single unit, one living unit called earth. Mother Earth. It’s life that creates us and feelings that unite us. We’re heading towards a dead end, and there’s a U-turn. Let’s take it. We’ll be the change.

After all, if we’re all done waiting for the end of the world, let’s not think about changing the world and making it newer and better, for all.  

“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. “
-Thomas Jefferson. 

आ कां क्षा .

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