Saturday, 13 October 2012

Are you Living, Experiencing, Enduring?

If with sighs you start on
Every single dawn,
If it’s like you want a halt
from the day’s unwanted call,
you’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If the sounds around you- the noise
You desire to shut- each and every voice,
If in peace and patience you aspire to dwell,
You know silence has got too much to tell,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If the soft breeze (to you) appears to sing
And with huge trees you wish to cling,
If every flower seems to smile at you
And recites to you the poems told to it by the dew,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If drizzles and showers make you weep
And hearing their lullaby you’d love to sleep,
If thunder makes your heart still thud
And a rainbow drives away all those baneful evil buds,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If the full moon gives you spirituality just as full
And the night at its peak makes you lull,
If seeing a star near the crescent
Makes you wish for those tenants and peasants,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If you’re living with dreams un-attained
And believe your wealth isn’t in monetary gain,
If you strive breath after breath
And believe you’ll, your own destiny set,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If you pause for moments unreasoningly
And at times act all unconsciously,
If you conscience gives out a voice real strong
That questions everything you’ve said and done all along,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If you often question the idea of God
And with yourself argue, converse and talk,
If in the dullest of all noons
You wonder which way life’s taking you to,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If you’ve ever felt the need of love
And the urge for your pain and grief to be curbed,
If you’ve ever strained yourself enough
To realize that earning love over money is though,
You’re living, experiencing, enduring.

If you’ve ever found yourself lonely at nights
And have wept, screeched, whined and cried,
if you still know that somewhere, something good persists,
You must know you’ve done more than just exist,
You’ve lived, experienced, endured.

 - आ कां क्षा .

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